Hikayat Musafir Si Pengembara...

Alam ciptaanNya sungguh indah dan luas...

1. Set aside a regular time to plan. Do it once a day, week, month or year, and let nothing interfere with this business activity.

2. Decide how much time u will devote to each planning session. It could be 10 minutes every day, an hour once a week or a day once a month.

3. Write out a list of outcomes u want from ur planning session, for example, an accurate budget, new employee profile, marketing strategy 4 a new product, or a list of what u want 2 accomplish that day, the agenda 4 the next meeting or speakers 2 hire 4 ur next training session.

4. Evaluate the necessary resources available during ur planning session to complete ur plan: people, information, money, time and resources.

5. Resist the tendency to end the planning session without meeting its objectives

6. Include a follow-up process 4 each plan. This is 2 make sure u integrate/apply what u did during ur planning session - even 4 a list of what u'll do today.

So what r u waiting 4? A recent study indicated that 4 every minute spent in planning, u'll save 10 minutes in execution.

This article was adapted from Tim Connor, a management trainer and the author of Soft Sell, an international best-seller on salesmanship.